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Pressure Transmitter - LP300

Pressure Transmitter - LP300

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LP300 is a piezoresistive pressure sensor with compact design and stainless steel body SS304 and SS316L diaphragm, can work in the non-causticity environment, with 4-20mA signal output. LP300 series is widely applied in pressure measurement for aviation, aerospace, automobile, medical treatment equipment, HVAC etc.


  • Range: -0.1...0...60MPa
  • Resolution: 0.5% F.S; 0.3%F.S optional
  • Output signal: 4...20mA; 1...5V; 0...10V; 0...5V; RS485
  • Installation: Thread
  • Power supply: 24VDC (9 ~ 36V)


 Product  Pressure transmitter
 Model SUP-P300
 Measure range -0.1MPa…0~10kPa…60Mpa
 Pressure type Gauge pressure, Adiabatic pressure, Sealing pressure
 Accuracy 0.5% F.S; 0.2%F.S,0.25%F.S, optional
 Output signal 4~20mA; 1~5V; 0~10V; 0~5V; RS485
 Temperature compensation -10~70 ℃
 Working temperature -20~85 ℃
 Medium temperature -20~85 ℃
 Storage temperature -40~85 ℃
 Overload pressure 0.035~10MPa(150%FS), 10~60MPa(125%FS)
 Long-term stability ± 0.2% FS/year
 Power supply 10~32V (4~20mA); 12~32V (0~10V); 8~32V (RS485, 0~5V, 1~5V)
Ingress protection IP65


Click Here for more information on LiquiLevel P300 pressure transmitters

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