...Innovate, design & manufacture tank level indicators, gauges and storage tank equipment - Worldwide

New Magnetic Level Gauges available shortly

Magnetic Level Gauges engineered in Plastics to meet the most demanding requirements of aggressive and corrosive fluids. Level gauge available in 3 different materials. PVC, Polypropylene and PVDF. Designed for installation to the side wall of vessels and tanks, these magnetic gauges are easy to install and maintain and will operate accurately and reliably in all chemical and process applications.

4 key factors we require for submitting a specification and quotation are:-

  • Specific gravity / Process fluid
  • Maximum/ operating pressure
  • Maximum/Operating temperature
  • Centre to Centre Dimension (between flanges)

We are finalising machinery and stock of plastics to start production of these gauges here in Sweden and will be offering the NEW LiquiLevel MG range of magnetic Level indicators to our customer base worldwide.

Register your interest for this new range of tank gauges, in order for us to send you more technical information and keep you informed of production dates etc.


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