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Magnetic Flap Level Indicators

LiquiLevel MGP magnetic level indicators are sophisticated devices designed for precise measurement of liquid or interface levels in a variety of industrial applications. Here's a breakdown of how they work and their key features:

  1. Float with Integral Magnet: The core component of the LiquiLevel MGP is a buoyant float, which contains an integral magnet. This float moves up or down based on the liquid or interface level inside the vessel.

  2. Magnetic Indication Mechanism: As the float moves with the liquid level, the embedded magnet activates external indicators. These indicators consist of a series of white and red indication flaps. White flaps represent air (above the liquid level) and the Red flaps indicate the actual liquid level. 

    • Interface Measurement: The indicator is designed to provide clear, real-time visual feedback of the liquid level, as well as the boundary between two fluids if measuring an interface level.

    • Mounting Flexibility: The LiquiLevel MGP can be mounted in various orientations, making it versatile for different vessel designs. It's commonly installed on the side or top of a vessel, depending on space and installation requirements.

    Key Benefits:

    • Visual Clarity: The contrasting red and white flaps provide an easy-to-read visual indication of the level.
    • Magnetic Technology: This design ensures that there is no direct contact between the moving float and the external indication system, minimizing wear and tear and enhancing the durability of the system.
    • Versatility: The indicator can be used in a wide range of industries and vessel orientations, providing flexibility in installation.

    This technology is commonly used in industries like chemical processing, oil and gas, water treatment, and many others where accurate level measurement is crucial.

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