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LiquiLevel SLT-W Submersible Level transmitter
LiquiLevel SLT-W Submersible Level transmitter
LiquiLevel SLT-W Submersible Level transmitter
LiquiLevel SLT-W Submersible Level transmitter

LiquiLevel SLT-W Submersible Level transmitter

Regular price $152.00 Sale

SLT-W Water & Waste Water series submersible level meter are completely sealed for submersion in liquid, can be used to measure water level, well depth, groundwater level and so on type, common accuracy is 0.5% FS, with voltage or 4-20mA output signals


  • Range: 0~0.5m...100m
  • Accuracy: 0.5% F.S
  • Output signal: 4~20mA
  • Power supply: 10-32 VDC

Technical Specification

 Product  Submersible Level transmitter
 Model SLT-W
 Measuring range 0~0.5m...200m
 Accuracy 0.5%
 Compensation temperature -10 ~ 70 ℃
 Output signal 4-20mA, 0-5V, 0-10V
 Pressure overload 150%FS
 Power supply 24VDC; 12VDC
 Operating temperature -20 ~ 60 ℃
 Overall material

stainless steel probe;

polyurethane conductor cable

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