...Innovate, design & manufacture tank level indicators, gauges and storage tank equipment - Worldwide


Innovative range of professional tank fittings and accessories designed and manufactured specifically for tank installers, tank manufacturers and distributors.

WaterWorx is another new exciting brand being developed by Nikeson, and is available both online and globally through our distributor network.

Professional trade products for fast and simple installation of water storage tanks and systems. Please check our our quantity trade and wholesale discounts on WaterWorx products.

  • Innovative and high quality products designed for Rainwater Harvesting Systems
  • Bulk Discounts available for installers, trade distributors and wholesalers
  • WaterWorx products are all designed to be simple and quick to install
  • NEW Products are being designed and developed all the time.

We are currently looking for new distributors! Contact us today if you are interested in becoming a reseller.

29 products

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