Bulkhead fittings
…installed in Seconds, lasts a lifetime…
New generation of feed-through tank connectors. Revolutionary Polypropylene (PP) tank connection for tanks, containers in PE, steel, aluminium and IBC containers to store and transport water and other fluids.
Innovative tank outlet installed within 5 seconds from the outside of the tank. Only one installer required to connect tank outlet saving considerable time! For fixing, there is no need to insert internal locknuts, weld or use sealants. The ease and speed of installation allow high savings in personnel, costs and materials
- Manufactured from Black Polypropylene reinforced with glass fibre for added strength and durability.
- Sizes available: 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1.25", 1.5" and 2" BSP Male.
- Save 50% Labour time - only 1 installer required.
- No need to enter the tank to install the tank outlet saving you 50% labour time.
- Pressure rating: up to 4 bar.
- Optional accessories: Conical drills, Hole saws and socket wrench system to assist and speed up installation time.
- Before drilling the hole/s into the tank, decide on the best locations for your tank connections and mark with a marker pen. Drill tank hole either using a countersink tool which is designed for 1/2”, 3/4” and 1” tank outlets (29-35 43mm) or for bigger sizes use the correct sized hole saw. Our tank connections are supplied with with complete instructions. Sand drilled holes with abrasive paper, remove any burrs and sharp edges.
- Insert the tank connector into the pre-drilled hole on the tank.
- Hand-tighten the nut till the tank connector grips onto the tank wall.
- Using the correct socket wrench tighten the tank connector to get a good seal. Please note that we strongly recommend you use a drill with an adjustable torque setting.
- When the tank connector is installed properly the tank connector should look like (fig. 5) from inside the tank.
- You have now successfully installed a tank connector as shown in (fig.6)
Tank connectors can be installed exclusively from the outside of the tank meaning it is unnecessary to enter the tank for installation which saves time, labour and is safe!
Innovative Installation System
we offer the revolutionary installation system for tank installers to speed up installation of these connectors which will save you up to 75% on labour time.
Click here to watch product Video
Click here for technical specification on Nikeson tank connectors.