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Tank level indicator Guide wire system for Rainwater Tanks - LiquiLevel ST - Nikeson

Tank level indicator Guide wire system for Rainwater Tanks - LiquiLevel ST

Regular price $48.00 Sale

The LiquiLevel guide wire system is recommended for use with all LiquiLevel ST Tank level indicators. The system is simple and quick to install and designed to keep the Level indicator plumb to prevent it from being knocked, and from swinging from side to side in extreme weather conditions.

It can be retro-fitted to all storage tanks fitted with a LiquiLevel ST level indicator.
The Guidewire system is fitted to the Liquilevel bracket at the top of the tank and is looped through an eyebolt at the base of the tank. Once tensioned, the Level indicator can move freely up and down the guide wire.

  • 5mtr or 10 mtr x 1.5mm Wire c/w M6 x 45mm Male stud end
  • 1 x Gripple fastener.
  • 2 x M6 Hexagonal nuts and washers
  • M6 x 73mm Rawl Eyebolt shield anchor (for masonry base fixing)
  • M6 x 20mm Polypropylene Eyebolt and Nut

Please specify tank height when ordering.

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