WaterWorx - Tank Linking Kits

...Innovate, design & manufacture tank level indicators, gauges and storage tank equipment - Worldwide

WaterWorx - Tank Linking Kits
WaterWorx - Tank Linking Kits
WaterWorx - Tank Linking Kits
WaterWorx - Tank Linking Kits

WaterWorx - Tank Linking Kits

Regular price $224.00 Sale

WaterWorx tank linking kits are designed for connecting tanks together to provide additional water storage. These kits are simple to install and do not require hose clamps, as the ribbed hose is connected to a Polypropylene compression connector for a tight seal.

We do not provide the hose which (38mm) corrugated/ribbed hose as hoses are bulky to ship which increases freight costs considerably. We offer you a professional product with all the relevant fittings, at competitive prices.

Tank to Tank joining kit - 1.5"

Supplied with

  • 2 x 1.5” BSPM outlets/tank connectors.
  • 2 x 1.5" BSPF x 38 mm straight Polypropylene hose compression fittings.
  • 2 x 1.5" BSPF x 38 mm 90° Polypropylene hose compression fittings. This patented product uses a sealing gasket on the outer hose surface, a split ring on the hose and a ring nut for rapid hose jointing - all without the requirement of hose clamps!
  • 2 x 1.5" Heavy duty Polypropylene Ball valves. Installed directly on to tank connectors/outlets.
  • 1 x 1.5" BSPF polypropylene tee.

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