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Bund Alarm for chemical and process tanks
Bund Alarm for chemical and process tanks
Bund Alarm for chemical and process tanks
Bund Alarm for chemical and process tanks

Bund Alarm for chemical and process tanks

Regular price $240.00 Sale

Why have a bunded tank without an bund alarm?

Safety First. The point of bunded tanks is to contain and fluid in the case of failure with the inner tank. A bund is normally 110% of the actual storage tank, so in the case of leakage, even when full, the bund can contain all the fluid.

Unlike most compact alarms on the market, the LiquiLevel BA Tank bund alarm is a constant alarm and not a "push to test" type. Designed for use with a wide range of chemicals.

  • Battery operated (Battery supplied) Type PP3 x 1 9 Volt.
  • IP65 protection.
  • Easy and quick installation.
  • Compact use for confined spaces 80 x 80mm control box.
  • High power alarm sounder. 97dB at 1 metre.
  • Flashing light on top of the control unit.
  • The mute button stops buzzer, but light continues to flash.
  • PP Float switch c/w 5 metres of cable.
  • 2-year battery life if tested weekly with no alarms.
  • PVC Tank connector and fittings included.

Click Here for more information on LiquiLevel AB Bund alarm.

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