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LiquiLevel MPM Pressure Transmitter. - Nikeson
LiquiLevel MPM Pressure Transmitter. - Nikeson

LiquiLevel MPM Pressure Transmitter.

Regular price $208.00 Sale

MPM480 transmitter uses piezoresistive OEM pressure sensor with isolated stainless steel diaphragm as signal sensing element, through automatic testing, laser trimming compensating zero and sensitivity in wider temperature range; the amplifier circuit is in stainless steel housing, transforming sensor signal
into standard output signal. Through strict component making, semi-finished product and all-finished product testing, the transmitter is stable and reliable, having excellent flexibility, sensitivity and diversity. The product is widely used for pressure measure and control of petroleum, chemical industry,
metallurgy, power station and hydrology, etc.

● Wider pressure range: 0-16bar
● Full stainless steel construction; optional pressure port; flush diaphragm type, sanitation type and anti-corrosive type are available; protection IP65;
● Optional output signal; local calibration and displayable;
● Reversed-polarity, transient current & voltage protection, which conform to EMI standard;
● Intrinsic safe ex-proof version conforming to GB3836.4 Exia ⅡCT6 Regulation; Ex-proof Certificate is issued;
● EXD product conforming to GB3836.2 ExdⅡCT6 Regulation; EXD Certificate is issued;
● Ship-use product conforming to CCS Rules of Classification of Sea-going Steel Ships(2015); Ship Use Certificate is issued;
● CE and RoHS Certificates;
● National patent, patent No.: ZL002 26957.0

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