Float & Board level indicator - cm and metre gauge board up to 10 mtrs

...Innovate, design & manufacture tank level indicators, gauges and storage tank equipment - Worldwide

Float & Board level indicator - cm and metre gauge board up to 10 mtrs - LiquiLevel FBS
Float & Board level indicator - cm and metre gauge board up to 10 mtrs - LiquiLevel FBS
Float & Board level indicator - cm and metre gauge board up to 10 mtrs - LiquiLevel FBS
Float & Board level indicator - cm and metre gauge board up to 10 mtrs - LiquiLevel FBS
Float & Board level indicator - cm and metre gauge board up to 10 mtrs - LiquiLevel FBS

Float & Board level indicator - cm and metre gauge board up to 10 mtrs - LiquiLevel FBS

Regular price $457.00 Sale

Tank level indicators are easy to install, and offer a economical solution where a reliable mechanical liquid level indicator is required on bulk storage tanks operating under atmospheric or low pressure. The system is assembled on-site, and installed to both new and existing tank installations.


  • Heavy duty Aluminium gauge board with black graduations marked in mtrs and centimeters.
  • Designed for tanks up to 10 metres high
  • Complete system delivered for easy on/site installation
  • Guided float for accuracy +/- 5%
  • Stainless steel fixings and brackets

The FBS system consists of a float connected to a an external tank level indicator via a cord and a set of pulleys. The indicator has nylon roller glides which enables the indicator to ride smoothly up and and down the gauge board which is positioned parallel to the tank. The float accurately follows the liquid variations in the tank. The horizontal float movement is restricted by two guide wires firmly anchored to the tank base. When the indicator is at the top position the tank is empty and the bottom position indicates the tank is full. The gauge board is supplied in 1 metre lengths and multiple gauge boards are connected by bracket joiners as per the ordered measuring range.

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