Polypropylene Float Ball | Nikeson

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Polypropylene Float Ball - Chemical Resistant Float Ball - Nikeson
Polypropylene Float Ball - Chemical Resistant Float Ball - Nikeson

Polypropylene Float Ball with M8 Fill point - Chemical Resistant Float Ball

Regular price $36.00 Sale

LiquiLevel CR Chemical Resistant Float Ball is for chemical and process tanks. The polystyrene float ball and indicator are connected to the counterweight by separate cords, each cord running over a pair of pulleys. When the chemical resistant float ball is half-immersed everything is balanced. Rising liquid level lifts the float up, the counterweight moves down, and the indicator keeps pace with the plastic float balls. Falling liquid levels causes the weighted float to pull the counterweight up, and again, the tank level indicator keeps pace with the plastic float balls. This float valve is mainly used for controlling the level of liquid in tanks and all times the indicator matches the liquid level exactly.

  • Made from chemical resistant Polypropylene
  • Built-in eyelet for simple cord assembly
  • Diameter: 130mm
  • Fill Point: M8 threaded male plug. For adding weight to ball for various applications
  • Quick and simple installation.
  • Simple- No gimmicks, no batteries, just a simple float, weight and pulley system.
  • At all times the indicator matches the liquid level exactly.
  • Comprehensive instructions included with every C-Level

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